Kalichi Lamar

Language Instructor

Miyari kena asaka’ni’no!

My name is Kalichi, Taino for “fountain of the high mountain”, it is my birthname, given by my parents. I am from the island of Boriken, where my roots are tied to my name and my connection to nature. I
currently reside on Miccosukee/Seminole (formerly Tequesta) lands (Miami,
FL). I am an Arts for Health professional, and I have a M.S. degree in
Psychology from Capella University and a M.A. degree in Arts in Medicine (art
as a holistic modality for mind/body wellness) from the University of Florida. 
During the pandemic, I focused on my craft and opened a small, online shop
where I sell wood-burn art pieces, as well as self-care, crafted items for the
home and sacred spaces. Additionally, I offer creative wellness sessions to
help ease stress, and promote relaxation and mindfulness through creativity. I gear my sessions toward serving the BIPOC community as there is a lack of access to these types of services in these communities.
I am a proud Higuayagua tribal member and I enjoy serving the Higuayagua
community. Within Higuayagua, I assist the Director of Language Preservation
with communications and questions from members, Hiwatahia lesson
planning, creating presentations, panel discussions, and Quizlet lessons. I am
forever grateful to have found my connection within Higuayagua… or better
said, when Higuayagua found me.

The people in Higuayagua confirmed what
my parents had always told me…

I was always here,

I was always Taino,

My name is an extension of my existence.

No longer erased.

Ahan Katu.